What Causes Hair Loss in Men?

Everything’s going well, and then one day you look in the mirror (or even worse, see a photo someone else took of you) and notice that your hairline has changed significantly. Or maybe you see more of your scalp than you’re accustomed to. You might even notice a buildup of hair in your shower drain or your hairbrush.
No matter how you first notice thinning hair, one of the primary reactions is wondering what caused the condition. There are numerous possible causes, and just as many potential solutions. The team at Cary Laser, Aesthetics, and Center for Hair Restoration in Cary, North Carolina, offers professional guidance and support as you explore your options.
The most common cause of hair loss in men: genetics
Your genetic makeup is the most likely reason you’re noticing thinning hair. Also called androgenic alopecia or male-patten baldness, this condition tends to worsen as you move into middle age and beyond, although some men begin to see thinning in their early 20s or even during the teenage years.
If you have close male family members with thinning hair, chances are you’ll eventually experience the same thing. Male-pattern balding usually leads to thinning at the hairline or thinning and bald spots at the crown of the head.
Health issues can also be to blame for thinning hair
If you have certain health conditions, thinning hair might be one of the symptoms, or a side effect of your treatment. Some of the issues that could cause or contribute to your hair loss include:
- Cancer
- Hypertension
- Gout
- Heart disease
- Depression
Losing a significant amount of weight in a short period of time can also cause hair loss. Some men who experience a period of intense stress, surgery, or an unexpected physical or emotional shock will lose a substantial volume of hair as a result.
For some men, an immune condition called alopecia areata leads to hair loss. This can be thought of as a “misfiring” of your body’s powerful immune response. When your immune system mistakenly perceives a problem with your hair follicles, it launches a powerful attack, causing small, round bald areas about the diameter of a quarter.
Hairstyles and scalp damage can lead to thinning hair
Certain hairstyles cause stress to the scalp, including hair loss. Tight ponytails, dreadlocks, cornrows, or braids all place your hair under tension. Over time, this can lead to noticeable thinning, especially along your hairline. Fortunately, your hair will probably grow back in if you switch to a hairstyle that doesn’t create tension.
Chemical scalp treatments like perms or hair relaxing, as well as hot oil treatments can also lead to lost hair, so be sure to weigh the pros and cons when considering these options. If scalp scarring occurs, hair loss in those areas will be permanent.
What can be done to reverse hair loss?
Men have more hair restoration treatment options today than ever before. When you partner with a skilled practitioner like Vijaya Polavaram, MD, for hair restoration, you’ll receive personalized care and professional guidance.
Microneedling is one approach that delivers impressive results, all without medication or invasive techniques. Dr. Polavaram uses a handheld device covered in thin, sterile treatment needles to create tiny punctures into your scalp.
Your body perceives these minute punctures as individual wounds, and rushes to launch a healing reaction. Circulation to the area improves and the root cells that form hair are prompted into new production.
Hair transplantation is also available, and is a good solution for men who still have plentiful hair in some areas of their scalp, but experience balding or thinning in others. With a skilled hand, Dr. Polavaram removes healthy hair and repositions it to areas where increased thickness is desired.
What is the first step in hair restoration?
When you’re ready to explore hair restoration in greater detail, the best path forward is booking a personal consultation with Dr. Polavaram. Cary Laser, Aesthetics, and Center for Hair Restoration offers easy online booking, or you can always call the office to find a time that works for you.
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